Entrepreneur. Educator. Influencer.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Wake up the artist in you! Women entrepreneurs in Luxembourg - part 1

Yesterday I attended an art party in a very nice restaurant in Beggen called Aleo. It was hosted by Anna, a Russian artist based in Luxembourg. You can see the result of this experience now proudly placed in my living room. 

What I liked about Anna's USP (unique selling proposition):
- great idea of how a young entrepreneur can start her own business with a relatively low investment and promotion in the different Facebook groups /pages, and share her passion with whomever interested and can afford (btw, the party costs 65 eur/person);
- Anna's concept is based on the fact that we all have an artistic side in us so why not try to stimulate it and eventually wake it up? Indeed, there is this long-held belief that people can be classified into left-brained and right-brained. Even though there is no medical evidence to prove this belief, I was discussing with 2 participants seated on my left and right, and both mentioned they’re dominantly left-brained; which means more analytical, logical and less creative, less intuitive, the artistic free thinking being associated with our right part of the brain; maybe it was the wine offered, maybe the music, we certainly managed to create and let free our imagination and we were very proud of ourselves;
- this leads me to the next positive point: without any previous painting experience, you can produce a lovely piece of art to take home in only three hours (which also included some wine and tasty snacks);

What could eventually be improved:
- the confirmation email should recap the details of the event, e.g. name and address of the restaurant; 
- the artist’s introductory speech should explain how to get you started, e.g. with a base on the canvas, applying first the darker colors to give some volume to the painting;
- on the long term she might want to be careful not to organize too often these events and for too many people at the same time (the room was a bit crowded for my taste), and try to  preserve and nurture the exclusivity the participants might feel by taking part in her happenings;- imagine sort of membership for those like me who felt inspired and would like to go back a few more times...

I warmly recommend this experience, if not because you are interested in art, than as a therapy, either if you need to overcome the loss of someone close to your heart or to celebrate a recent success. You will leave the restaurant feeling good about your capacity of creating something from nothing, which I personally love to do in my work when creating new brands for products or services. It’s a stimulating and rewarding experience, so I congratule Anna for transforming into reality her dream, her "child", as she mentioned in her introduction, and for doing it so enthusiastically and passionately! 
I wish you continued success, Anna! 

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