Entrepreneur. Educator. Influencer.

Sunday 30 May 2021

My PhD Journey


Since the 1st February 2021 I’m officially registered in a PhD programme at the University of Luxembourg. 

The biggest challenge so far has been to register in the courses I want...  I tried unsuccessfully three times to register in some essential courses about research methods and academic writing. The registration opens on day X at 9 am sharp. I’m there at least 30 minutes earlier practicing my typing skills 😆😆 At 9.00 sharp I start the registration process, at 9.02 or 9.03 I get a message saying that the course is already full. I will need to try again next semester, of the same courses will be offered again. 

Because I already started my field research at Cnfpc Esch Alzette before having had a chance to study in depth the research methods, especially about qualitative research methods, which is what I’m using in my study, I signed up for a Qualitative research methods at the University of Amsterdam / Universiteit van Amsterdam with a brilliant and very passionate teacher, dr. Gerben Moerman. He jumps of excitement during his classes 🙂

So this is how I’m spending my Sunday evenings. for at least some more (6) weeks 🙂



Saturday 15 May 2021

6th Global Virtual Conference on multidisciplinary trends in academic research


The 6th Global Virtual Conference on multidisciplinary trends in academic research which is taking place this week-end has an amazing line-up, and I’m not saying this because I’m part of it 🙂
I was truly honored to be able to contribute today 15/05 with my presentation on #softskills and #employability and it was great to learn from the other speakers, what a wonderful experience!

If you wish to join the last day of the conference (16/05), please find below the link for the Sunday sessions:
LEAD Philippines is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 6th Global Virtual Conference / Time: May 16, 2021 03:45 PM Singapore
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/95111588381?pwd=VXM1WklOdnB5L1RoOHJCc0NTQjlzUT09
Meeting ID: 951 1158 8381
Passcode: 222087
#scienceofeducation #lifelonglearning
#education #employability #entrepreneurship #research




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