Tuesday, 28 June 2022
Let’s demystify politics #13/2022
Friday, 24 June 2022
In memoriam Guy PUTZ
It's exactly a year ago that I lost a friend.
When I started the activities of Languages.lu in Luxembourg, in 2004, Guy Putz was one of my first clients. He entrusted me and my team with his company's English tailormade courses and, in time, we became friends. He loved to attend the Inspiring Wo-Men events that I was organizing, because he loved human contact & interaction, he loved to always learn new things, meet new people, have new challenges. That's also why he decided to leave his job at Adem for a bigger challenge.
During the pandemic I had more time to cook, so he was part of my small group of friends that I regularly invited for lunch on my balcony.
We were able to talk about anything, business, politics, relationships...
He encouraged me to do my PhD research in his new organization, CNFPC Esch-sur-Alzette and this is why exactly a year ago, I spent my entire afternoon next to his office, conducting intreviews with students attending the soft skill training to become bus drivers, for my PhD research. When I finished I went to his office to say good buy but he wasn't there. He was somewhere in the building talking to his colleagues and employees, he was so invested in his new job and had so many ambitions. I waited for about 10 minutes; I was exhausted from the interviews, so I left, thinking that I would send him by email a summary of what I did.
He passed away a few hours later at a networking event.
I was shocked.
He was so sporty, eating healthy, I could not understand how he could have a heart atack.
I felt so guilty for not having waited for him longer in his office. I still do.
Every time I go to Esch, I think of him, I feel like calling to have a drink. Or to have that dinner that we were planning in his new apartment, with his new furniture, huge TV screen that he always wanted and the beautiful huge paiting that he brought from China.
It's shocking to lose a friend, and last year I lost 3 of them, within 6 months.
It reminded me how fragile we humans are.
Everything can change in seconds, in minutes, for the good and for the worse.
So we better spread kindness, friendship, respect and generosity to mark our short time on earth. Because that's how we will be remembered.
You were a very fine man, Guy, patient, kind and always willing to help.
Rest in peace, dear Guy, and you will always be remembered !
The RomanIAn blouse - la blouse roumaine - IA