Entrepreneur. Educator. Influencer.

Monday 8 May 2023

MegaTrends 2050


On Thursday and Friday I assisted at the “MegaTrends 2050” interdisciplinary conference organized by the Luxembourg Parliament (Chambre des Députés Grand-Duché de Luxembourg) and the Fonds National de la Recherche, Luxembourg (FNR).

Two intensive days aimed at bringing together politicians, researchers and the general public to  reflect together on the major global trends that are affecting everyone of us.

How to use scientific foresight in politics is certainly a topic that interests me very much. Not only as politician, but also as entrepreneur, and also as researcher, since I’m in my 3rd year of my PhD studies. 

CSV was well represented by colleagues MEP Isabel Wiseler, MP Paul Galles, Fernand Boden, president of CSV Senioren, Marcel Oberweis; we’ve had very interesting conversations with the speakers and some of the researchers who were present. 

It was lovely to meet and listen to Philip Crowther’s keynote address which highlighted the challenges of investigative journalism because of the growing possibilities of spreading fake news in all forms.

It was reassuring to find out that 75% of Luxembourg’s population trusts science 💡 

The last words of this 2-day conference were given to the Youth Parliament and it was nice to meet again Gills Mathieson, the very proud mother of Franklin, the Secretary General of the #youthparliament. 


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