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Thursday 11 November 2021

LuxERA Emerging Researchers' conference 2021


Today ended the Emerging Researchers’ conference organized by Luxembourg Educational Research Association, in which I was honored to be a keynote speaker this morning and present my PhD research project on the Introduction of soft skills in the VET curricula to increase the employability of graduates, under the supervision of dr. Charles Max.

LuxERA’s Emerging Researchers’ conference was everything and more that I have imagines or hoped for. It was an amazing opportunity to connect with and get feedback from experienced researchers such as Ineke Pit-ten Cate (congratulations on being elected the new president of LuxERA!), Justin Powell, Andreas Hadjar, Claudine Hirsch, Jennifer Dusdal, Sonja Ugen, Christina Haas, whom I “knew” and appreciated from reading some of their papers about education in Luxembourg. I feel very grateful for this. The conference was also an opportunity to get familiar with other amazing emerging researchers’ work, such as Valérie Kemp, Miwa C.,

Maïte Franco or Sabrina Sattler.

I am happy to have become this year a member of LuxERA, after I’ve started my PhD. For self-funded PhD candidates like myself, being a member of LuxERA is an incredible added value to the PhD journey, and I can only recommend to check out their website https://luxera.lu

Did I also mention that being a LuxERA member offers an access door to EERA European Educational Research Association, which offers a lot of advantages to emerging researchers? Have a look on their web site to find out more about what’s in it for you 😊 https://eera-ecer.de/


Many thanks to the organizing team who did an absolutely amazing work with the revision of the abstracts, feedback and suggestions, coordination of the programme and speakers. After this 2 day-conference, I feel enriched, motivated and stimulated, so thank you! I sincerely look forward to seeing many of you soon.

#phd #phdJourney #research #education #thankyou #grateful

#LuxembourgResearchers #teamwork #luxERA #VETinLuxembourg


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